Magister research paper presented at the IEEE VTC Fall Conference, 2017
August 29, 2017
August 29, 2017
The paper titled “Mobility and Reliability in LTE-5G Dual Connectivity Scenarios” by Henrik Martikainen, Ingo Viering, Andreas Lobinger and Bernhard Wegmann was accepted to be presented in the IEEE VTC Fall Conference, Sep 24-27, 2017 in Toronto, Canada.
The research for this paper was done in cooperation with Nokia Bell Labs during the years 2016 and 2017.
The paper presents the mobility performance and the associated reliability of dual connectivity (DC) between a Long Term Evolution (LTE) macro layer and a 5G small cell layer in an urban environment.
It shows that the reliability benefits of using basic DC as known from LTE are much smaller than expected. Significant improvements are achieved by introducing advanced extensions, but the residual outage will still not fulfill all the tight ultra-reliability limits in a scenario with meaningful mobility.