Space business & satellite simulators
13 years
The story of Magister Solutions started in 2005. We provide advanced simulation software & services for the space, SatCom and telecom industries – and beyond.
Through simulations, we help our customers develop & optimize technology and complex scenarios – such as satellite constellations, networks and communication technologies like DVB and 5G & 6G NTN/TN.
Simulations empower our customers to stay ahead in continuous industry development, make data-driven decisions, and develop systems more cost-effectively and sustainably.
13 years
20 years
Magister Solutions is a privately held company based in Finland. The company was first established from a research collaboration between Nokia and the University of Jyväskylä.
We aim towards continuous development. Starting from mobile network simulations, over the years we’ve expanded our services towards many SatCom and space use cases.
Through various projects with the European Space Agency, we’ve been able to drive industry innovation, develop our own simulators further and contribute to 3GPP standardization efforts.
Developing individual expertise is an essential factor in our work.
Through extensive research, we create new ways to simulate the future.
High quality is the result of individual responsibility in everything we do.
We aim to exceed customers’ expectations with clear solutions and ground-level communication.
Personnel welfare is the key to motivation and developing professional competence.
Taking good care of our people enhances both teamwork and customer experience.